Location: Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
Date: 2009-2010
Project partners: Movimento dos Sem Teto da Bahia (MSTB)
Project Title: Building Communities Salvador (2009)
Salvador da Bahia, with more than 3 million inhabitants, was chosen as our case study because of the housing crisis it is facing and the many housing interventions in a variety of formats. Within this context we explored two very different types of initiatives addressing the housing crisis. In the first week we worked in the neighbourhood of Novos Alagados, where there has been a poverty alleviation programme called Ribeira Azul managed by the state government of Bahia and the Italian NGO AVSI. In the second week we worked with the roofless movement of Bahia, Movimento dos Sem Teto da Bahia (MSTB), to explore a more grassroots approach of addressing the housing shortage of Salvador.
We returned to Salvador da Bahia to continue the work carried out with the Movimento dos Sem Teto da Bahia (MSTB) in our 2009 workshop. The MSTB are an active group occupying strategically unused buildings and sites for the construction of temporary and permanent houses. MSTB is committed to the self-production of autonomous housing through the process of consolidation; hence there is an imminent need for knowledge and appropriate tools and methodologies to address the challenges in terms of planning and implementation, along with a specific interest in addressing diversities between and within the different occupations.